The Best Movie Critic [Search results for musical]
Watch THIS Instantly: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Music Movie Fest 2010: The Reckoning!
Things To Do In Denver... When It's This Weekend
DFF Music Movie Coverage w/ Tome to the Weather Machine!!!
The Movie Advocate Abroad
The Couchman Cometh: Music Movie Fest Edition PLUS A Movie Fest Chili Recipe
The Movie Advent: Our 5 Favorite Musicals (NSFW)
The Watching Hour Preview: Bugsy Malone
Watching Hour Preview: Guest Blogger Miranda on Teen Witch
The Superman Reboot
Half the Battle at ActionFest - Round 3
It Might Get Loud (2009)
Favorite Movie Series: Andrew Kemp on The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Butt-Numb-A-Thon 12 in Review!
The Watching Hour "Go Ahead, Make Our Watching Hour" Contest!
2001: A Space Odyssey: A User's Guide
2 Movies that are Family Traditions - 12 Days of TMA
Fall Equinox Special: The Wicker Man (1973)
Muppet News Flash!
Lost and Found: 8 Diagram Pole Fighter