The Best Movie Critic [legend]
Thai Piracy
From Hollywood Projects' 2001: A Space Odyssey story
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Notes on Schmaltz: The Pride of the Yankees
Ong Bak 3 review
Thai Piracy: Onk Bak 2 Revisited, Ong Bak 3 preview!
Thor: A Guide for the Uninitiated
Half the Battle at ActionFest - Round 3
What's New in the World of Awesome?
Watch THIS Instantly: The James Bond Series
The Couchman Cometh
Lost and Found: The Street Fighter (1974)
The Watching Hour Preview: The Burning + A Question for YOU, the Reader
Watching Hour Round-Up! Billie Jean! Incredible Shrinking Woman!
The Watching Hour Preview: The Legend of Billie Jean
The Watching Hour Preview: Lifeforce
Friday Five: Teen Rebels
Still Bill
True Grit (2010)