The Best Movie Critic   +  watching hour

Things To Do In Denver... When It's This Weekend

Woof! This weekend is looming large for some serious quality movie watching. Check this out:

1. KICK-ASS is coming out. Justin and I have both said plenty on that topic this week.


It's been exciting to see the Watching Hour take off in the wake of its “Best of Westword” win and some high profile screenings. The last two weeks have been packed, and for the first time since I've been going regularly I'm happy to recommend that you get there early if you want a good seat! This week's selection is 1984's Night of the Comet, in which a comet grazes the earth, and burns alive everyone who went outside to see it pass – pretty much all of humanity except for two Southern California Valley Girls. At first the girls are just happy there are no crowds at the mall, but when some zombies and other unsavory sorts show up, things naturally get a little more complicated. I'm sad to say that this is the first Watching Hour in a while I will not be attending. I locked in plans to see Kick Ass with a bunch of people Friday night a long time ago, and This Weekend Awesome Movie Event #3 below will be taking up my whole Saturday. So if you're not hanging out with me seeing the movies I'm seeing, get your ass to the Watching Hour.

3. SPRING 2010 MUSIC MOVIE FEST... at my house!

For the last few years a bunch of friends and I have been convening at sporadic intervals for 12-24 hour movie fests. These range from 24 hours of whatever awesome new and old and classic and insane movies we want to show each other to last Halloween's 12 hour horror movie-a-thon. Past highlights include a Rambo dress up party, pumpkin carving, Texas Chainsaw Massacre-themed barbecue, and Christmas movie-themed pencil keepsakes. There's always some good movie themed foods as well, such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers grape leaf 'pods,' Gentlemen Prefer Blondes ring-pops, horror movie fest skull-shaped calzones, and 'Phenomena'-chos (Phenom-e-nachos). We have some sexy fun in store for this weekend's fest, which will commence about 9am on Saturday morning and last for at least 16 or 18 hours. So man up and get down to my house. I won't tell you what's playing, but I'd be lying if I said we wouldn't purge ourselves in the waters of Lake Minnetonka at some point. Write me at or on Facebook for directions and stuff.

4. THE ADVENTURES OF PRINCE ACHMED with Live Musical Accompaniment

What's that you say? You're exhausted just reading about all these crazy awesome gotta-be-there movie events that are happening this weekend? Well I hope you saved one last bit of movie watching energy because the weekend caps off on Sunday with a serious treat. 1926's The Adventures of Price Achmed, on of the first (or maybe the first?) animated feature movie will be screening at Starz for two showings only... with live musical accompaniment performed by Miles and Karina. I don't know who that is, but here is a YouTube clip from the movie set to their score:

Awesome, right? Someone must have heard that we were doing Music Movie Fest, and organized this as a sort of finale. It couldn't have been worked out better.
Oh yeah, and...


That's right, everybody's favorite anti-authoritarian, anti-perspective, pro-bible drawin' animated neo-classic is back in Denver for a week. Do not miss this, BUT come to all the other stuff over the weekend, and then go to Kells with me on Wednesday.

This is awesome, right? You, like, don't even need to plan out your weekend. I did it for you!

You're welcome,