The Best Movie Critic [Search results for the bride of frankenstein]
Son of Frankenstein
5 Favorite Horror Movies: Ben Martin
Halloween Movie Fest 2010
Ben Does the 2nd Annual Halloween Horror Movie Fest
Our 9 Favorite Soundtracks or Scores - 12 Days of TMA
Oliver Twist (1948)
The Movie Advent: Our 11 Favorite Sequels
The Old, Dark House
Music Movie Fest 2010: The Reckoning!
Ben's 24 Hour Movie Fest Write-Up!
The Movie Advent: Our 12 Favorite Directors
The Magnificent Seven: Denver Film Festival Vintage Screening
Classics Revisited: Silence of the Lambs
Blue Valentine: Denver Film Festival Review
Dispatches from Siam: Piranha 3D and Insee Thong
Watch THIS Instantly: The James Bond Series