The Best Movie Critic [Search results for Batman]
Batman: Year One
Vail Film Fest: Boy Wonder (2010)
Best Movies of the Decade List
The Movie Advent: Our 11 Favorite Sequels
By The Book: All-Star Superman
The Superman Reboot
Kick-Ass Review (sort of)
Vail Film Fest Wrap-Up: Shorts and Saving Pelican 895
Green Lantern: A Guide for the Uninitiated
Watching Hour Preview: Jacob's Ladder
The Couchman Cometh
8 Movies we Adored as Children - 12 Days of TMA
Our 10 Favorite Cinematic Bad Guys - 12 Days of TMA
The Couchman Cometh: Once More Into the Multiplex
Pot, Kettle, Black - Part 2: Johnny Appleseed
Watching Hour Round-Up! Billie Jean! Incredible Shrinking Woman!
Grant Morrison: Talking with Gods