Greetings Movie Advocate regulars! Today we conclude our special Christmas present to you, a series of 12 lists for the 12 days of Christmas. We're wrapping up today with our favorite scenes from Troll 2.
Ben's Pick:
I'm afraid that no single scene from Troll 2 can truly capture the audacious badness of the whole. One thing that sticks with me is that whereas most bad movies are bad in the same way throughout and therefore boring after about 20 or 30 minutes, Troll 2 finds new ways of up-ing the awful-ante for the entirety of its run time. Just take a gander at the following clip, which comes from late in the movie. The popcorn seduction is the scene from Troll 2 that puts this movie over the top for me...
Justin's Pick:
Troll 2 is the mostest as evidenced by this clip which I can unfortunately not embed:
Troll 2, your Movie Advocate Movie of 2010. Merry Christmas!
Ben and Justin